Individual Therapy

Can You Imagine Creating The Life You’d Like To Have?

If you’ve landed on this page, chances are you’re ready for something to change. Perhaps you’ve been in a stable, quiet place and you’re ready to take on the next big thing. Or maybe your world isn’t feeling quite right or working the way you thought it would and it’s time for something to shift. Being a human being is hard and at times, messy.

Working together we can delve into a wide range of topics including:

  • personal growth and wellbeing
  • dealing with anxiety and depression
  • childhood and family experiences
  • trauma and painful events
  • gender and sexual orientation exploration
  • life transitions and major changes
  • understanding neurodivergence
  • grief
  • gender affirming care letters

The process of figuring out “what’s next” is like having a fresh new canvas on which to work out your ideas. There isn’t a right or wrong, just an opportunity to experiment.

Your decision to begin therapy doesn’t mean you’re broken or messed up (although I understand you might feel that way) but you could perhaps use a place to understand what’s going on for you and what comes next. Everyone starts someplace and with a good map, ends up in the next right place.

Curious about beginning work together? Email me at [email protected] for more information. We can have a conversation to see if we really might be a good fit to work together.